Public policies and food systems in Latin America
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Update Sciences & technologies

Public policies and food systems in Latin America


Update Sciences & technologies


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Food problems are the order of the day. Solving the problems of hunger and
malnutrition, producing and guaranteeing access to healthy food, preserving
the environment, valuing local cultures and ensuring citizen participation are
some of the many challenges that permeate the dynamics of food systems.

This book addresses the role of Latin American public policies and actions in
the configuration of healthy and sustainable food systems. Written by scholars
specialized in various disciplines (economy, sociology, policy science, etc.)
and hailing from ten Latin American countries, it provides a historical
overview of national food policies, examines recent policy changes and
explores innovative urban and rural experiences at local level. The authors
also discuss the challenges of developing specific policy objectives related
to sustainable food systems.

This book shows how référentiels for public food policies have become more
integrated in Latin America and takes a closer look at several promising local
initiatives. However, it also highlights the many constraints in fostering
sustainable food systems in the region, such as persistent competition among
production models, land tenure inequalities and coordination issues among
actors and state bodies.

It will be of interest to a scientific audience of teachers and food systems
professionals, as well as any readers interested in policy dynamics in Latin

Read the foreword: Patrick Caron CIRAD, Vice-President, University of
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